10.21. Differential Diagnosis of Neuropathy by Predominant Symptom, Hereditary or Feature
Sensory Neuropathy
- Autoimmune epitopes:
- SGPG (small fiber)
- Anti-HU (Small fiber)
- Anti-sulfatide (small fiber)
- Gdlb (Miller–Fisher variant)
- GD3
- Gal (B1-2) Gal Nac
- GQ1b
- Demyelinating sensory neuropathy:
- CM Fisher variant of GBS
- CIDP (sensory variant)
- Inherited sensory neuropathy:
- HSN I-V:
- HSAN-I: AD (hereditary sensory autonomic neuropathy)
- HSAN-II: AR: myelin > unmyelinated
- HSAN-III: Riley–Day syndrome
- Bassen Kornsweig disease (beta hypolipoproteinemia)
- Fabry's disease (α galactosidase)
- SANDO (sensory ataxia/dysarthria/ophthalmoplegia)
- Perault's syndrome (ovarian/VIIIth nerve)
- Neuropathy with spinocerebellar degenerations:
- SCA-5
- Friedreich's ataxia (large fiber)
Toxic Metabolic Sensory Neuropathy
- Vitamin B6 excess (pyridoxine); burning neuropathy
- Methyl mercury
- Docetaxel/paxcetaxel (large and intermediate fibers)
- Vitamin E deficiency (a-toxophil transporter I deficit)
- Vitamin B12 deficiency (large fiber modalities; dorsal column)
- INH (decreased vitamin B6)
- Ciguatera poisoning (paradoxical channelopathy)
- Adriamycin (dorsal ganglionopathy)
Infectious Cause of Sensory Neuropathy
- HIV (distal painful sensory neuropathy)
- Tabes dorsalis (posterior column deficits, Hertig's spots on the trunk)
- Herpes zoster (dermatomal)
- Herpes simplex (regional)
- HTLV-I (primarily small fiber)
Sensory Neuropathy Associated with Systemic Disease
- Diabetes (burning feet syndrome)
- Uremia (small fiber)
- Paraneoplastic (sensory ataxia; small fiber)
- Sjögren's (posterior column deficit)
- Hypothyroidism (carpal tunnel; tarsal tunnel; Vth nerve; generalized peripheral neuropathy)
- Sensory perineuritis (primarily around the ankle)
- Ischemic neuropathy (painful; all modalities)
- Malabsorption syndromes (primarily B12; large fiber)
Ataxic Sensory Polyneuropathy (large fiber)
- Immune mediated:
- Carcinomatous sensory neuropathy
- Sensory ganglionitis neuropathy
- Sjogren's
- Miller Fisher variant
- Sensory CIDP
- Immunoglobulin associated paraproteinemia
Idiopathic Sensory Neuropathy
- Acute
- Chronic
- Monomelic sensory neuropathy
Demyelinating Sensory Neuropathy
- CM Fisher variant of GBS
- CIDP-sensory variant
- SGPG (epitope)
- MAG (epitope)
Predominantly Small-Fiber Sensory Neuropathy – Autoimmune Epitopes
- TTR-transthyretin met 30 (amyloidosis)
- Anti-HU
- Anti sulfatide
Inherited Small Fiber Sensory Neuropathy
- Fabry's disease
- Tangiers's disease
- Familial amyloid (FAP)
- Hereditary sensory neuropathies II; IV (HSAN I, III, IV, V)
- Hereditary thermosensitive neuropathy (AD)
Sensory Neuropathy Associated with Systemic Illness
- Amyloid (secondary)
- Diabetes
- Primary biliary cirrhosis
- Sjögren's syndrome
- Rheumatoid arthritis
Associated Infections and Sensory Neuropathy
Sensory Neuropathy Associated with Drugs and Toxins
- Ciguatera toxin
- Metronidazole
- Misonidazole
- Kepone
- Vacor
- Erythromelalgia (vincristine)
- Ergotamine
Associated with Trauma
- Chronic regional pain syndrome (CRPSI/II/RSD)
- CRPS II (associated with nerve injury)
- Triple cold syndrome
- Anti-backfiring C nociceptor syndrome (ABC syndrome; transmodality sensitization)
Chronic Painful Neuropathies
- Diabetes
- Alcohol
- Pantothenic acid deficiency
- Pyridoxine B6 excess or deficiency
- CRPS I/II (RSD/causalgia)
- Amyloid (primary or secondary)
- Paraneoplastic (sensory neuropathy/ganglionitis)
- TTR-met 30 (amyloidosis)
- Anti-sulfatide epitopes
- Uremia
- Arsenic
- Fabry's disease
- Erythromelalgia
- ABC syndrome
- Triple cold syndrome
- Hypertriglyceridemia
- Niacin
- Thiamine
Motor Neuropathies
- Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP)
- Variegate porphyria
- Coproporphyrinuria
- Lead
- Vincristine
- Diphtheria
- Diabetes (amyotrophy); plexopathy
- Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP)
- Rabies
- Thallium
- Phenytoin
- Insulinoma (recurrent hypoglycemia)
- Osteoclastic multiple myeloma
- GMI ganglioside antibody
- Multifocal motor neuropathy with conduction block (MMNCB)
- Dapsone
- Phenytoin
Acute Ascending Motor Paralysis with Minimal Sensory Dysfunction
- Hepatitis B virus
- EBV (Ebstein Barr Virus)
- Mumps
- Lymphoma (Hodgkin's or non-Hodgkin's)
- Post vaccination (influenza, typhoid, hepatitis, rabies, small pox)
- Surgery
- Campylobacter jejuni
- Tick paralysis
- Lyme's disease
- Porphyria (AIP/variegate)
- Thallium
- Ethylene oxide
- Triorthocresyl phosphate
- Diphtheria
Neuropathies with Prominent Autonomic Features
- Diabetes (gastroparesis; sexual dysfunction)
- Amyloidosis:
- Transthyretin-related FAP (familial amyloid polyneuropathy)
- Apolipoprotein A-1-related FAP
- Gelsolin-related FAP
- Paraneoplastic
- SICCA complex
- Acquired generalized anhidrosis
- Porphyria:
- Variegate porphyria
- Hereditary coporphyruria
- B12 deficiency
- Uremia
- AIDP (acute demyelinating inflammatory neuropathy)
- HSNI–IV (hereditary sensory neuropathy I–IV)
- Fabry's disease
- Pandysautonomia (paraneoplastic/acute infectious)
- Shy–Drager syndrome
- Holmes–Aides syndrome
- Familial sensory autonomic neuropathy (Navaho Indian)
- Ross syndrome
- Harlequin syndrome
- Vacor intoxication
- Chronic relapsing autonomic neuropathy
Hypertrophic Neuropathies
- HSMN-I, (CMT 1A-D)
- Longstanding diabetes
- Hypothyroidism
- Mucopolysaccharidoses (Scheie's variant)
- Amyloidosis
- Multifocal hypertrophic neuropathy
- Leprosy
- HSMN-III (Dejerine–Sottas)
- HSMN-IV (Refsum's disease)
- Acromegaly (compression/entrapment)
Infectious Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy
- Syphilis
- Lyme's disease
- C/MV
- Brucellosis (L5 root)
- Campylobacter jejuni (AMAN)
- GBS (specific virus/nonspecific virus)
- Mumps
- Tick paralysis
- Herpes simplex
- Herpes zoster
- Whipple's disease
- Mycoplasma
- Sepsis syndrome
- Infective endocarditis
- Leprosy
Intermittent Neuropathies
- Vasculitis
- Gal (B1-3) Gal Nac
- Asialo GM1
- Anti sulfatide
- Gd 1 B
- GQ 1 B
- Acute relapsing axonal GBS
- Acute intermittent porphyria
- Variegate porphyria
- Coproporphyrinuria
- Refsum's disease
- Fabry's disease
- Tangiers's disease
- Hereditary heat sensitive neuropathy
- Hereditary sensitivity to pressure (HNPP)
- Chronic relapsing autonomic neuropathy
- Hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy
- Hereditary sensory motor neuropathy (steroid sensitive)
Neuropathies from Traumatic/Physical Agents
- Overuse syndromes (tunnel entrapments particularly of the upper extremity)
- Brachial plexus fixation with secondary peripheral nerve tunnel syndromes
- Compartment syndromes (arm/leg)
- Perioperative neuropathies (compression during malplacement/anesthesia)
- Lithotomy position
- Diaphragmatic neuropathy (trauma); surgery (thoracic outlet; neck)
- Peripheral nerve (direct trauma)
- X-RT (ischemia of the vasovasorum)
- Bone marrow transplant (perineural/intraneural hemorrhage)
- Heat
- Cold (frost bite)
- Snake bite (compartment syndrome)
- Entrapment syndromes
- Double/triple crush syndromes (C5–C6 with concomitant CTS)
Large Fiber Neuropathy (12–22 μ)
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin E (acquired/genetic variants)
- Tabes dorsalis
- Diabetes
- Paraneoplastic (DRG form)
- Bassen–Kornsweig disease
Autoimmune Neuropathy with Specific Epitopes
- GM 1 (IgG/IgM) acute axonal (Campylobacter jejuni)
- GDIB – Miller Fisher variant
- GQIb – Miller Fisher variant
- SGPG (sensorimotor; small fiber)
- MAG (demyelinating)
- Anti sulfatide (IgM) with/without M protein
- Anti-Hu
- Anti-MA
- Anti-TA
- GM 1 (IgM) motor neuron/demyelinating
- Anti-TTR-30 (small fiber/painful)
- Asialo-GM 1 (demyelinating; sulfur containing epitopes; small fiber)
- Anti-chondroitin sulfate
- 301–314 B tubulin antigen
Inherited Neuropathies
- HSMN-I (CMT 1 A; CMT 1 B; CMT 1 C; CMT X)
- HSMN-III (CMT3); Déjérine Sottas
- HSMN-IV (CMT4); Refsum's
- HSMN-VI (optic neuropathy with spastic paraparesis)
- Hereditary neuropathy with pressure palsy (deletion of chromosome 17); HNPP
- CMTX (1,2,3)
- AR-CMT with deafness
- Hereditary sensory autonomic neuropathy I (AD)
- HSAN-III: Riley–Day syndrome
- Hereditary neurologic amyotrophy (HNA)
- Hereditary motor neuropathy (AR)
- CMT (optic atrophy/VIII nerve; AD; AR; X-linked)
- Mutilating neuropathy 3q 13q–q22
- HSMN – hand variant
Hereditary Causes of Demyelinating Neuropathy
- HNPP – familial liability to pressure palsy (deletion chromosome 17)
- Refsum's disease (HSMN – IV)
- Metachromatic leukoencephalopathy A, B, C
- Globoid cell (Krabbe's disease)
- Cockayne's Syndrome
Inherited Axonal Neuropathy
- Axonal neuropathies with spinocerebellar degenerations
- Giant axonal neuropathy (GAN)
- Ataxia telangiectasia
Specific Inherited Neuropathies
- Refsum's disease
- Krabbe's disease
- Amyloid polyneuropathy of Andrade
- Abetalipoproteinemia (Bassen Kornsweig)
- Alpha lipoproteinemia (Tangiers's Disease)
- Metachromatic leukodystrophy
- Acute intermittent porphyria
- Variegate porphyria
- Coproporphyrinuria
- Adrenomyeloneuropathy
- Adrenoleukodystrophy
- Perrault (ovarian dysgenesis; VIII nerve)
- Tangiers's Disease (classic/late onset)
- Pelizaeus Merzbacher Disease
- Familial amyloid polyneuropathy (gelsolin apolipoprotein A-1)
- Vitamin E deficiency (a-tocopherol transporter defect)
- Multiple symmetric lipomatosis (Madelung's); mitochondrial DNA dysfunction
- Fabry's disease
- Palmoplantar keratoderma
- Polyneuropathy, dementia, dysautonomic
- AR hypomyelination neuropathy
- Familial sensorimotor neuropathy with callosal agenesis
- Hereditary neuropathy with excessive myelin folding
- Wolman's syndrome (variant of adrenomyeloneuropathy)
- Familial polyglucosan body neuropathy
- Carbohydrate deficiency syndrome
- Gerstmann Straüssler syndrome (codon 102)
Mitochondrial Neuropathies
- Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy
- NARP (neuropathy/ataxia/retinitis pigmentosa)
- Leigh's syndrome
- MNGIE (mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalopathy)
- PEO (progressive external ophthalmoplegia)
Immune Mediated Neuropathy
- Neuropathy with specifically identified epitopes
- Vasculitis with specific syndromes
- Vasculitis without specific disease association
- Allergic peripheral neuropathies
- Monoclonal gammopathies of undetermined significance (MGUS); IgA, IgG, IgM
- Neuropathy following insect and bee sting
- Transplantation polyneuropathy (graft vs host)
Neuropathy with Specific Enzyme Defects
- Fabry's disease (alpha-galactosidase)
- Krabbe
- Shies's disease (heparitin sulfatase)
- Familial B12 deficiency (biopterin tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase deficiency)
- Metachromatic leukodystrophy (A, B, C, sulfatase)
- Refsum's disease (phytanoyl hydrolase)
- Phenylketonuria (phenylalanine dehydrogenase)
- Cystinuria (cystathionine synthetase)
- Phenytoin (folate dehydrogenase)
- GM2 (Sandhoff's disease)
- Tryptophane pathway defects
- Polyglucan body disease
- Glycogen branching enzyme defect
Entrapment Syndromes
- Upper Extremity
- Long neck sloping shoulder syndrome
- Roos' congential bands (12 bands)
- Cervical rib syndrome
- Thoracic outlet syndrome
- Rib-band syndrome (C8–T1)
- Costo-clavicular syndrome
- Secondary entrapment syndrome (primary plexus lesions)
- Brachial plexus entrapment:
- Upper trunk
- Medial cord
- Lower trunk
- Lateral cord
- Posterior cord
- Cubital tunnel (ulnar)
- Arcade of Frohse (posterior interosseous, radial sensory)
- Ligament of Struthers (median)
- Pronator canal (median)
- Guyon's canal (ulnar)
- Medial antibrachial cutaneous nerve
- Dorsal scapular nerve
- Suprascapular nerve (suprascapular notch)
- Musculocutaneous nerve
- Intercosticobrachial nerve (from medial cord)
- Radial nerve (radial grooves of the humerus)
- Anterior/posterior interosseous nerve
- Recurrent nerve of Kunz (T1–T4 sympathetics)
- Lumbosacral syndrome (L5)
- Ilioinguinal nerve
- Genitofemoral nerve
- Sciatic nerve (sciatic notch compression)
- Pyriformis syndrome
- Posterior popliteal fossa syndrome
- Peroneal (common; superficial; deep)
- Intercostal nerve
- Rectus abdominis syndrome
- Sural nerve
- Obturator nerve (canal compression)
- Femoral nerve (under inguinal ligament)
- Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
- Anterior femoral cutaneous nerve
- Intermediate femoral cutaneous nerve
- Recurrent nerve of Gonyea (branch of tibial nerve)
- Recurrent nerve of Spurling (L5 dura); radiate to anterior thigh)
- Medial plantar nerve (tarsal tunnel)
- Calcaneal branch of plantar nerve (posterior tibial)
- Gluteal nerve
- Iliohypogastric nerve
- Saphenous nerve
- Posterior tibial
- Anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome
- Digital nerves
- Metatarsal tunnels (digital nerves)
- Lumbrical canal (digital nerves)
Mononeuropathy Multiplex
- Vasculitis
- Vasculopathy
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Connective tissue diseases
- Systemic necrotizing vasculitides
- Polyarteritis nodosa
- Allergic granulomatous angiitis (Churg–Strauss)
- Hypersensitivity angiitis
- Wegener's granulomatosis
- "Overlap syndromes"
- Nonsystemic vasculitis (isolated vasculitic neuropathy)
- Mixed cryoglobulinemia
- Diabetes
- Amphetamine abuse
- Sarcoidosis
- Leprosy
- Cytomegalovirus (AIDS)
- Neurofibromatosis
Mononeuropathy or Multiple Mononeuropathy
- Pressure palsy
- Entrapments
- Traumatic
- Electrical injury
- X-RT
- Immunization
- Herpes zoster
- Carcinomatous infiltration
- Lymphoma
- Diphtheritic wound infection with neuropathy (local toxin production)
- Diabetes
- Collagen vascular disease
- Monomelic sensory neuropathy
Bilateral Carpal/Tarsal Tunnel Syndromes
- Occupational
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Double crush syndrome (CTS and brachial plexus traction injury)
- Scleroderma
- Hypothyroidism
- Mucopolysaccharidoses
- Acromegaly
- Ganglion cysts
- Diabetes mellitus
Neuropathies Involving the Diaphragm
- Thiamine deficiency
- Pyridoxine deficiency
- Trauma (cervical fractures)
- Following brachial plexus decompression (injured with medial scalenectomy surgery)
- Chiropractic manipulation
- Hypophosphatemia
- Critical illness neuropathy
- Hereditary sensory neuropathy II (CMT-2C)
- CMT-1 (4C)
- Acute intermittent porphyria
- Remote effect of cancer
- Viral (acute)
- Hereditary (brachial plexopathies)
- Neuralgia amyotrophica
Peripheral Nervous System Disorders with Anhidrosis
- Pure autonomic failure
- Diabetes
- Amyloidosis
- Fabry's disease
- Acute autonomic neuropathy (autoimmune/viral)
- Acute intermittent porphyria
- Hereditary sensory neuropathy (I–IV)
- Tangiers's disease
- Sjögren's disease
- Ross's syndrome
- Holmes–Adie syndrome
Dermatologic Causes of Anhidrosis
- Local injury:
- Thermal
- X-RT
- Scarring
- Inflammatory
- Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
- Psoriasis
- Exfoliative dermatitis
- Lichen sclerosis atrophicus
- Ichthyosis
- Miliaries
- Incontinent; pigmenti
- Dermatomally distributed vitiligo
Neuropathy of Connective Tissue Disease
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Scleroderma
- Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD)
- SICCA-complex
- Relapsing polychondritis
Neuropathy with Systemic Necrotizing Vasculitis (small and medium sized arteries)
- Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN)
- Allergic angiitis granulomatosis (Churg–Strauss syndrome)
- Wegener's granulomatosis
- Vasculitis of connective tissue disease
- Polyangiitis overlap syndrome
Neuropathy with Hypersensitivity Vasculitis (small vessels; capillaries, arterioles and venules)
- Henoch–Schönlein Purpura
- Vasculitis with infectious disease
- In association with drug reactions
- Connective tissue disease
- Neoplasm
Neuropathy with Localized Vasculitis
- Isolated peripheral nerve vasculitis; probably localized form of PAN
Neuropathy with Vasculitis and Malignancy (malignancy and hypersensitivity vasculitis)
- More common in myelo and lymphoproliferative diseases
- Rare in association with solid tumors
- Prominent in hairy cell leukemia
- Chediak-Higashi disease
Unusual Vasculitis of Peripheral Nerves in Association with:
- Cryoglobulinemia
- Sjögren's disease
- Relapsing polychondritis
- Reiter's disease
- Hypereosinophilia syndrome
Acute Neuropathy (evolving over hours to days)
- Diphtheria
- Paraneoplastic
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Uremia
- Porphyrias
- Lead poisoning
- Thallium ingestion
- Pandysautonomia (viral)
- Polio
- Adriamycin
- Vasculitides
- Viral hepatitis
- Sarcoid
- Macroglobulinemia
- Carcinoma
- Lymphoma
Subacute Neuropathy (evolving over weeks to months)
- Diabetes
- Uremia
- B1
- B12
- Toxins
- Sarcoid
- Paraneoplastic
- Vasculitides
- Anti sulfatide
- GT 3
- TTP-met-30
- GdIb
- GQIb
- Asialo-GM 1
Differential Diagnosis of CIDP
- Osteoclastic myeloma
- Plasma cell dyscrasia
- Malignant melanoma
- Monoclonal gammopathy
- Hepatitis
- Inflammatory bowel disease
Differential Diagnosis of Dorsal Root Ganglion (primary pathology)
- Herpes zoster
- Syphilis
- Paraneoplastic (sensory variant)
- GD 1b
- Sjögren's
- Anti sulfatide epitopes
- SICCA complex
Axonal Restless Leg Syndrome
- Diabetes
- Chronic obstructive lung disease
- Primary amyloid
- Anemia
- Cancer
- Iron deficiency
Neuropathy Primarily of the Upper Extremity
- GM 1
- Lead
- Amyloid
- Porphyrias
- Multiple myeloma
- Hypoglycemia (insulinoma)
- Hypothyroidism
Neuropathy Associated with Lymphoma/Leukemia/Blood Dyscrasia
- Polycythemia vera
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Direct lymphomatous involvement of the nerves
- Bone marrow transplant (intra perineural hemorrhage)
- Acute leukemia (bleeding into nerves)
- Following X-RT (sarcoma; ischemia of the nervi vasorum)
- Chediak-Higashi
- Hypereosinophilic syndromes (idiopathic; tryptophan impurity induced)
- Paraprotein associated
- Waldenström's macroglobulinemia