11.4. Drugs/Toxins that Alter Neuromuscular Transmission
- General Features:
- All decrease the safety factor of neuromuscular transmission
- Neurotoxins may affect both the pre and post synapse components of the NMJ
- Most common neurotoxin is envenomation (worldwide)
- Extraocular muscles, neck flexors and extensors and girdle muscles are particularly sensitive; involvement of respiratory and pharyngeal muscles is common; cognition is spared (unless there is secondary hypercarbia) as is sensation. Reflexes are intact until late in the course of the illness.
- Analgesics:
- Morphine and its deritatives do not depress neuromuscular transmission
- Depress respiration (centrally)
- Are potentiated by anticholinesterases
- General anesthetics:
- Potentiation of neuromuscular blocking agents in MG patients (weakness and respiratory depression)
- Ethrone and nitrous oxide do not cause neuromuscular blockade
- Local Anesthetics:
- Lidocaine, procaine, mexiletine potentiate neuromuscular blockade when administered intravenously.
- Impairment of nerve action potential propagation (not the case with lidocaine) and possible reduction of Ach release; possible decreased sensitivity of the post synaptic membrane to Ach.
- Antibiotics:
- Aminoglycosides:
- Weakness related to dose and serum level
- Blocking effects occur by any route administration
- Inhibition of Ach release
- Tobramycin:
- Inhibition of Ach release
- Neuromuscular toxicity demonstrated for:
- Kanamycin
- Gentamicin
- Neomycin (most toxic)
- Streptomycin
- Macrolide antibiotics known to demonstrate neuromuscular toxicity:
- Erythromycin
- Azithromycin
- Polypeptide and monobasic amino acid antibiotics known to demonstrate neuromuscular toxicity:
- Penicillin
- Sulfonamides
- Tetracycline
- Fluoroquinolone
- Potentiate neuromuscular blocking agents
- Cause weakness in MG patients alone
- Lincomycin and clindamycin:
- Monobasic amino acids
- Difficult to reverse effects with cholinesterase inhibitors
- Mechanisms of action:
- Decreased motor end plate potential frequency
- Decrease evoked transmitter release
- Decrease postjunctional Ach sensitivity
- Lincomycin:
- Effects reversed with calcium or aminopyridine
- Cholinesterase inhibitors worsen their effect
- Clindamycin:
- Blocks muscle contractibility
- Has local anesthetic action
- Polymyxin B; colistimethate and colistin:
- Renal disease patients are susceptible
- Potentiates effects of other antibiotics and neuromuscular blocking agents
- Decreased Ach release and postjunctional block of AchR
- Tetracycline, oxytetracycline and rolitetracycline exacerbate MG
- Bretylium (potentiates blocking drugs)
- Calcium channel blockers (presynaptic inhibitions of Ach release)
- Procainamide (impaired formation or release of Ach)
- Quinidine and quinine (prevents formation or release of Ach or a curare-like effect); potentiate depolarizing and non-depolarizing blocking drugs
- Trimethaphan; potentiates depolarizing and non-depolarizing drugs
- Progesterone: reported to aggravate MG after 3–5 days
- Interferon alpha:
- May aggravate MG weeks to months after the initiation of therapy
- Has induced MG crisis
- Iodinated contrast agents: possibly decrease ionized calcium that induces failure of Ach release
- Magnesium:
- Decreases release of Ach; blocks calcium entry at the terminal motor terminal
- Induces post synaptic membrane excitability
- Effects seen parenteral > oral administration
- Potentiates neuromuscular blocking drugs
- 10 mEq/liter may cause respiratory depression
- Neuromuscular blocking drugs:
- MG patients more sensitive to competitive non depolarizing agents
- Succinylcholine:
- Potentiated by cholinesterase inhibitors
- Prolonged weakness may occur with plasma exchange or in the setting of congenital absence of cholinesterase inhibitors
- Corticosteroids may potentiate the effects of muscle relaxants
Ophthalmic Drugs
- Beta-adrenergic agents
- Echothiophate (long acting cholinesterase inhibitor)
Psychotropic Drugs
- Chlorpromazine and promazine:
- Post synaptic block
- Antagonize Ach
- Prolong the effects of succinylcholine
- Lithium:
- Possible decrease of quantal release or synthesis of Ach
- Possibly induces increased rate of receptor degradation
Rheumatologic Drugs
- Chloroquine:
- Decreased Ach release
- Competitive postjunctional blockade
- Depresses excitability of the sarcolemmal membrane
- MG may be precipitated in 7% of patients treated
- May be restricted to extraocular muscles
- Mild generalized weakness
Bone Marrow Transplant
- Autoimmune etiology
- Possibly more common in those with aplastic anemia
D, L-Carnitine
- NMJ block occurs during dialysis
- Presynaptic block similar to that produced by hemicholinium
- Postsynaptic block due to possibly by the accumulation of acylcarnitine esters
- MG weakness aggravated by hypokalemia
Reports of Drugs that Exacerbated MG Weakness
- Emetine
- Riluzole
- IV sodium lactate
- Tetanus antitoxin
- Trasylol
- Trihexyphenidyl
- Diphenhydramine
Drugs that Alter Neuromuscular Transmission in Specific Clinical Situations
- Safety factor for neuromuscular transmission is reduced due to the underlying disease
- Superimposition of drug on pre-existing disorder such as MG or ALS
- Patients with renal, hepatic or electrolyte disorders (may have depressed NMJ or membrane excitability)
- After general anesthesias with concomitant neuromuscular blocking drugs (succinylcholine; pancuronium) which are still active
- Component of drug induced generalized immunologic disease (penicillamine)
- Presynaptic induced dysfunction:
- Calcium-magnesium
- Calcium channel blocking agents; some antibiotics; some beta blocking drugs
- Postsynaptic induced dysfunction:
- Penicillamine
- Carnitine
- Cholinesterase inhibitors
- Pre and Post synaptic dysfunction
- Aminoglycosides
- Enhances or induces autoimmune reaction against the NMJ
- MG more commonly induced during treatment of rheumatoid arthritis rather than Wilson's disease (penicillamine)
- 70% of patients remit within one year after discontinuance of the drug (penicillamine)
Envenomation from Snake Bites
- General features:
- Usually affect the cholinergic system:
- Increase the release of Ach
- Block AchR
- Major species:
- Viperidae (pit vipers)
- Crotalidae (rattle snakes and pit vipers)
- Elapidae (coral snakes, mamba, Kraits and cobras)
- Hydrophiidae (sea snakes)
- Neuromuscular blockade occurs with:
- Elapidae
- Hydrophiidae
- Crotalidae (South American rattle snake)
- Presynaptic toxins:
- β-bungarotoxins
- Tai pexin
- Decrease the release of Ach:
- Initial augmented release
- Late depletion of the neurotransmitter
- More potent than post synaptic toxins
- Post synaptic toxins:
- α-neurotoxins
- Non depolarizing neuromuscular block
- Most toxins are mixtures of pre and postsynaptic compounds
- Sea snakes inject less toxin, but it is more potent
- α-neurotoxins:
- Bind the nicotinic Ach receptor of muscle
- More potent than curare
- Slower onset of action and longer duration than presynaptic toxins
- β-Neurotoxins:
- Contain phospholipases
- All suppress release of presynaptic Ach
- Tai pexin has additional Myotoxin (rapid muscle necrosis)
- Clinical presentation:
- Pit viper or cobra
- Local pain
- No pain with other Elapidae and Hydrophiidae
- Swelling and necrosis within one hour of bite from Viperidae, Crotalidae
- No swelling from mamba, Krait or Coral snakes
- Pre paralytic stage (Viperidae and Crotalidae)
- Headache, nausea and vomiting
- Loss of consciousness
- Paraesthesias
- Hematuria and hemoptysis
- Above manifestations rarely seen with cobra or mamba envenomation
- Neuromuscular Toxicity:
- Usual time from envenomation to paralysis:
- 1/2 hour to 19 hours
- Mamba envenomation as short as 10 minutes
- Location of the bite and direct venous access are determining features as is variant of injected toxin
- Sequence of clinical signs:
- Ptosis and ophthalmoparesis
- Facial and bulbar weakness
- Extremity, diaphragms and intercostal weakness
- a) May progress over 2–3 day period
- No sensory abnormality accept at the site of envenomation
- Cardiovascular collapse, seizures and coma are terminal events
- Hematoxic effects:
- Cerebral hemorrhage
- Leading cause of Viperidae deaths
- Crotalidae:
- Persistent fasciculations long after clinical recovery of the affected muscles
Arthropod Envenomation
- General features:
- Mechanism of NMJ effects
- Increased release of Ach followed by depletion
- Facilitated release without depletion of transmitter
- Decreased Ach release
- Clinical presentation:
- Black widow spider (Latrodectus) release followed by depletion
- CNS and PNS stimulation; facilitation of Ach release
- Neuromuscular effects noted within 15 to 60 minutes of envenomation
- Severe painful abdominal cramps and rigidity; followed by truncal and appendicular cramps; later affects are muscle weakness (depolarizing block)
- Funnel-Web spider; red back
- Male toxins have potency greater than female
- Nausea, vomiting, dizziness are first symptoms
- Fasciculations and paralysis of striated muscle and the diaphragm
- Death by cardiac arrest (asphyxia)
- Scorpion
- Toxins effect sodium and potassium channel function; some enhance release of Ach
- Increased secretion of saliva
- Severe sweating, nausea, vomiting, disorientation and dizziness
- Less motor weakness
Tick Paralysis
- General Features:
- Dermacentor (acronine, variabilis, occidentalis, amblyomma americanum and maculatum) species are toxic
- In North America most often seen in states West of the Rocky Mountains
- Possible temperature dependent block of Ach release
- Clinical Presentation:
- Symptoms require 5–6 days of attachment
- Headache, malaise, nausea and vomiting
- On 6–8 days there is symmetric ascending paralysis; may affect respiration and bulbar muscles
- Normal sensation
- Depressed reflexes
- Improvement begins within hours of removing the engorged tick
- Tick attaches mot often in the scalp, perineum, and neck
- Some patients ataxia is more severe than weakness
Marine Toxins
- General features:
- Marine toxins affecting the NMJ
- Poisonous fish
- Mollusks
- Dinoflagellates
- Due to ingestion
- Shellfish poisoning:
- Caused by dinoflagellates (single-celled, bi flagellated, algae-like)
- Toxin absorbed through GI tract:
- Within 30 minutes there is burning and paresthesias of the face and mouth that spreads to neck and limbs
- Sensory symptoms abate and are followed by numbness, ataxia and generalized weakness; respiratory failure can ensue
- Neurotoxins from dinoflagellates and diatoms (not flagellated and are encased in a shell):
- Sodium channel blockers
- Include: saxitoxin and tetrodotoxin
- Brevetoxins:
- Derived from shellfish
- Depolarizes cholinergic systems by opening sodium channels
- General Features:
- Derived from predatory cone snails (mollusks); dart like proboscis that injects toxin
- α-Gonotoxin:
- W-Gonotoxins:
- Block voltage gated calcium channel of the presynaptic terminal
- Clinical Presentation:
- Severe local pain
- Within 30 minutes generalized weakness
- Respiratory failure occurs within 1–2 hours
- 60% of stings may be fatal
Venomous Fish
- General features:
- Most venomous is the stone fish
- Pacific oceans, Red Sea and Japan
- Toxin:
- Toxin is injected from dorsal spines
- Ach release with later depletion of stores
- Clinical presentation:
- Excruciating local pain that lasts for two days
- Edema and necrosis: hyaluronidase injected that promotes spread of toxin
- GI, autonomic, cognitive dysfunction
- Generalized muscle weakness
Plant Toxins
- General features:
- Hemlock (conium maculatum)
- Piperidine alkaloid
- Coniine is the toxin
- Clinical presentation:
- Rapidly ascending paralysis
- Severe sensory symptoms